Time to Compromise…..I Don’t Think So

It is interesting reading the editorial pages of the various liberal newpapers. All are saying the Republicans need to compromise, and they’re all saying that the Republicans need to stop being the party of “No.” From their perspective, the Republicans need to come to the president’s side of the argument so they can govern. What happens if they don’t? What happens if they keep pushing so the president has to come to the right?

The federal government shutsdown.

Remember what happened in the mid-1990s? It cost Republicans seats in next election cycle, i.e. nothing. Oh, some people were inconvenienced, but, in the end, nothing happened.

This time around, there is a conservative media that rivals the liberal, established media. If the Republicans stay on the offensive, they will win the day. It is time for the president and the liberals in congress to compromise with us.

Republicans, if you bend this time, you’ll break.