Election Fraud and the End of the Era of Trust

Having been interested in politics from a very early age, I have witnessed quite a few elections with Democrat and Republican administrations. I have witnessed movements towards socialism in both major parties. Republicans would win but never pushed the agenda they were elected to pursue. Instead, they went along with the bipartisan destruction of our government’s integrity.

During the Obama/Biden administration alone, we witnessed IRS targeting, gun running, spying on journalist, use of personal email to evade FOI requests and finally spying on the other party’s presidential candidate. There are also many unanswered questions which, if answered, may even be worse.

We witnessed Obama and a number of senior level administration officials state their admiration for dictators, communists and others who killed millions of their own people and were diametrically opposed to the rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. Their admiration for such horrible humans says a lot them and their inclination toward tyranny. You have Maxine Watters saying the Democrats have at their disposal the largest database to ensure their success in future elections. Add to this the apparent corruption of the FBI and the intelligence services, you have a situation where elections don’t matter.

Enter into the fray big tech and their social media platforms. As innocuous as they seemed at inception, they now control the information flow for the majority of U.S. citizens. With the alignment of “news”

The alignment of big tech, “news” organizations and the administrative state is the beginning of the end of our constitutional republic. We were warned by our founders of such a thing. The question is, what do we do now?

Hunter’s Laptop Part of FBI Probe

Fox News is reporting that the laptop of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son is part of an FBI money laundering probe. Now, it is not clear whether this was an ongoing probe or one started upon the publishing of the N.Y. Post’s material on Hunter Biden.

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Laptop connected to Hunter Biden linked to FBI money laundering probe <a href=”https://t.co/seUSeG41Ag”>https://t.co/seUSeG41Ag</a> <a href=”https://twitter.com/hashtag/FoxNews?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#FoxNews</a></p>&mdash; Scott Vining (@Scott_Vining) <a href=”https://twitter.com/Scott_Vining/status/1319226903434231808?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>October 22, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src=”https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>

Calls for Ending Police Forces

The unfolding of the events over the recent days has many politicians in Democrat controlled cities calling for the elimination of police departments in their cities or at least defunding them. From Minneapolis to LA, you are hearing chants to defund the police departments and put the money into the poor black communities.

I don’t know what these politicians plan to put the money into with the black communities, but I presume these same Democrats now support the 2nd Amendment. If you can’t call the police to help you fend off a home invader, I guess you need to do it yourself.

HIgher ED: Nothing but foreign propoganda?

The Department of Education (“DoE”) has been investigating the gifts/donations/bribes paid to universities in the US. With links to China, Iran, Russia, and the Arab states, there is growing concern that our universities are becoming propaganda mills for these foreign governments.

Campus Reform has an article discussing the stonewalling of universities in providing the requested information to the DoE. I’m not sure why the DoE believes it has to look for statutory means to “influence” the institutions to providing the information. It seems pretty clear to me they could simply:

  1. Refuse to guarantee the loans of those institutions
  2. Delay any payments to the institutions until they comply

Higher Ed in the U.S. isn’t so high any longer. Information and training on everything is available on the internet by well qualified instructors and cheaper than the cost of these institutions. What we need are professional organizations to allow individuals to take professional licensing exams regardless of the individual’s educational background. This would remove many of the barriers to becoming a CPA or lawyer many minorities face.

Since you cannot practice law if you graduate with a law degree without passing the bar, and you cannot practice as a CPA with a degree in accounting without passing the CPA exam, doesn’t that tell you it is not the university education that is enabling you to practice? You need to successfully complete a bar prep or CPA prep course. Both are significantly cheaper than a university education.

One day, we might be able to breakup the monopoly the university system has on the job market. As a matter of fact, if HR departments in companies ever get their acts together and quit using degrees as a certain level of knowledge, we might find the monopoly the universities have on the job market goes away quickly.

Will it soon be illegal for individuals to store gold?

Mac Slavo has a post at Zero Hedge where he asks that very question. The U.S. government did it before, and they will do it again if they begin to lose control of their fiat currency. Bill Bonner and Tom Dyson have written extensively about the Dow to Gold ratio as have others as a key to maintaining wealth in the inflationary times that come with debasement of the currency.

Let’s see, Congress decides to issue checks to citizens and the Fed decides to purchase the debt to create the money out of vapor. China and the U.S. could begin their trade war again as the Wuhan Flu crisis continues to wreck the world’s economy. Is it any wonder why gold has shot up this year?

What to do?

I’m converting some cash to gold. There are so many options these days, but I’m going to focus on physical gold.

It is time to STOP federal funding of higher education

Campus Reform has an interesting article outlining how many universities are allowing the CCP on their campuses in the form of Confucius Institutes. As they noted in their article, the Confucius Institutes are simply communist propaganda institutes. The chief propagandist even admitted so. Further, we have seen an increase in the number of academic’s being tried for illegally selling taxpayer funded research. These people are supporting the communist takeover of the U.S. and these institutions are supporting it. As our founders have said, “we have given you a republic, if you can keep it,” and apparently, we can’t. Or least those in charge can’t.

Conspiracy Theorists will Love This

Zero Hedge has a post that says “A report published by the European Commission in late 2019 reveals that the EU has been looking to increase the scope and power of vaccination programmes since well before the current “pandemic”.“ This will certainly add fodder to those conspiracy theorists surrounding the Wuhan Flu pandemic.

Zero Hedge Calls it

Zero Hedge has a post talking about the Wuhan disaster occurring in the commercial real estate market.

Bankruptcy Tsunami Begins: Thousands Of Default Notices Are “Flying Out The Door”

The total impact of the virus on the commercial real estate landscape isn’t known. However, between the work from home movement, home school movement, and realization that urbanization isn’t the end all be all, we might see a significant number of prime properties hit the market at bargain basement prices. Unlike prior real estate crashes, this one might end differently.