Citizen’s complaining but Politicians not Changing After Being Elected

The crux of today’s politics is: How do we change DC when the people we put in DC don’t want it to change?

Mark Levin presents one way in which change can be accomplished in his excellent work The Liberty Amendments. With Republicans controlling many state legislatures, perhaps this will happen. If not, then we’re ripe for the continued takeover of our government by authoritarian federal goverment.
History tells us that people tend to allow authoritarians to take over so that things stabilize. Is that where we are now?

Citizen’s complaining but Politicians not Changing After Being Elected

The crux of today’s politics is: How do we change DC when the people we put in DC don’t want it to change?

Mark Levin presents one way in which change can be accomplished in his excellent work The Liberty Amendments. With Republicans controlling many state legislatures, perhaps this will happen. If not, then we’re ripe for the continued takeover of our government by authoritarian federal goverment.
History tells us that people tend to allow authoritarians to take over so that things stabilize. Is that where we are now?

Who Needs a Congress?

For all of the people who are clamoring about a do nothing congress, who really needs them? You have the administration enacting new laws everyday without congressional consent. And we wonder where our liberty has gone to?

Oh sure, they have to post these to the Federal Register, there’s a comment period, and then the final regulations become law. Welcome to the shadow government that you have no say in.