Too Much Government?
If the above doesn’t convince you that the government has way too much impact on our lives, what will?
And this is why we have Trump
Boortz Nails it
Leave it to Neil Boortz (@talkmaster) to nail it.
The Upcoming Uncivil War
If this continues, we the people will fight back against the oppression being hoisted upon us by the media, the Democrats and antifa. Then, what will they call us? Afteralll, they call us racists, racists, etc. when it is they… Continue Reading
Comments on the passing scene
Trump was in the UK this past week. By most accounts, he had a good trip. Even the UK media, no friends of Trump or the U.S., ended with some positive comments on the trip. The U.S. legacy media, not… Continue Reading
The Speech Millennials Need to Listen to
J.J. Watts’ commencement speech at University of Wisconsin was one for the ages. It is amazing that a young man could have such wisdom. If the future is filled with more like him then we’re in good hands.
The Deep State vs. Us
What we have witnessed since Trump’s election in late 2016, is an attempted destruction of our republic. Outrageous right? Well, when you look through the details of exactly how the Deep State attempted to accomplish its goal of eliminating Trump,… Continue Reading
Dems with Bylines. Not Journalists