I find it hilarious when the ignorant speak on financial matters. Look no further than Sen. Elizabeth Warren (a/k/a Pocahontas). Her recent letter to the SEC ( purports to concern whether the market for GME reflects the true underlying value of GME.

Sen. Warren, can you please tell me what value you’re referring to? Fundamental value? Well, if you’re talking that, then the entire market is overvalued. What are you going to do? Shut it down? After all, at some point, the bubble will explode. Where is the consideration of that?

If she wants to really concern herself about something that matters, she should concern herself with the currency of the US, i.e. the USD. The federal government has so overspent USD that the most incredible short in the history of mankind is there. What happens if these Reddit investors decided to sell their shares and demand physical currency? Who has physical currency any longer? No one. What happens when the banks can’t deliver the currency? They implode. We’ll be here on the sidelines watching it happen. That would probably be the ultimate blow to the establishment.

Sports – Where the women are women and the men are too?

One of President Biden’s actions during his first week in office was one forcing women to play against biological men. has an article where former NFL player Marcellus Wiley called for a separate category for transgender sports.

I’m sorry, but men and women are different. I know that it goes against the current culture to say such things, but we are. So, if physical males who believe they are females want to play sports, I think Mr. Wiley might be on to something. Either “man up” and go against another man, or create your own league and let similar situated physical males join you.

The Swamp Protects Its Own

Kevin Clinesmith was sentenced to 12 months probation and 400 hours of community service

From Fox News: “Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith has been sentenced to 12 months probation and 400 hours of community service Friday after pleading guilty to making a false statement in the first criminal case arising from Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.Kevin Clinesmith.”

How much did this guy cost the U.S. taxpayer due to his admitted lies to the FISA court?

Will he have his law license revoked and be barred from practicing as a lawyer in the future? Or, is the legal profession complicit in this? (I know; question asked and answered)

ESG – Another Power Grap by Lefists

Fergus Hodgson has an excellent opinion piece at The Epoch Times talking about ESG. It is the latest cancer cutting the heartbeat out of corporations and is the woke and environmental crowDs attempt to fleece businesses out of money to support their causes. <>

Fergus correctly points out that this is simply the latest incarnation of the attacks on what has been knows as the Friedman Doctrine The following is perhaps the heart of the battle between freedom and socialism:

“Friedman went against the Zeitgeist and defended the ethical value of profit as a firm’s objective. Further, he saw through the façade now referred to as ESG: “Businessmen who talk this way are unwitting puppets of the intellectual forces that have been undermining the basis of a free society. … The doctrine of ‘social responsibility’ involves the acceptance of the socialist view that political mechanisms, not market mechanisms, are the appropriate way to determine the allocation of scarce resources.”

Read the whole thing.

Pre-Election vs. Post-Election

Biden in October 2020 (pre-election):

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>.<a href=””>@JoeBiden</a> in October: “I have this strange notion, we are a democracy … if you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.&quot; <a href=”″></a></p>&mdash; Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) <a href=””>January 26, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>

Biden Post-Election:
In President Biden’s first week alone, he has signed 37 executive orders and actions as of Thursday.

As noted by The Hill “That’s 33 more than the guy he indirectly referred to as a dictator, in the form of predecessor Donald Trump. It’s 32 more than his old boss, Barack Obama, and 37 more than George W. Bush, who signed zero in his first week as president.”

I guess we figured out who the dictator really is, but we knew the Democrats pre-election projection onto Trump and Republicans was just that. The Democrats are the party of slavery, racism, fascism and socialism.

Democrats and Their Media

All responsibly minded people reviewed the events on Capitol Hill with disdain. The Democrats and their media apparatchiks have claimed it was an insurrection and an attempt to overthrow the government. Well, let’s go through an analysis of this.

An insurrection is a violent uprising against an authority or government. You would have to default to yes given people died. The police shot and killed a military veteran and a Capitol policeman died as a result of injuries sustained.

Now, was this an attempt to overthrow a government? No, it wasn’t. How can you say that I’ve been asked. Well, you don’t attack a Capitol without being armed. The overwhelming majority of the people I have seen on videos from the Capitol were people looking amazed at being there.

Clearly, we have people on the left and the right who would want nothing more than for the US to fail. I view politics as a circle where the extremes on both sides really meet. It is very hard to tell a Mao leftist from a third-reich supporter. In each, they want to control and do away with dissenters.

From the post-January 6th days forward, one side has really been showing its true colors in a Maoist and Third-Reich way and that would be the Democrats. Their intent, as many of them, both elected and unelected have said, it to eliminate conservatives.

The question they should have to answer is why? They don’t seem capable of having a debate on the culture without name calling.

The answer is clear: when you’re indoctrinated into a belief system, you can’t really deal with alternatives because you lack critical thinking. From the looks of it, we have an entire generation who fits that description.


Why is it that whenever Democrats get into office they always espouse policies that help them consolidate power but are repressive to the people? Their policies seem to align with our enemies’ policies against us.

The Future of Chimerica

This week saw close to a million citizens protest in response to what they believed were fraudulent elections. While the feds continue searching for those who breached the capitol building, there is photographic evidence showing it was not just Trump supporters who breached the capitol, but also known members of ANTIFA and BLM. Hopefully, we see the truth come out about who actually did what, but that is a topic for another day.

Today (8 Jan 21), we have seen the tech companies begin to implement China’s anti-freedom rules in the U.S. You had the permanent removal of President Trump as well as thousands of other conservatives from TWTR and FB. We also heard that Apple is going to ban the Parler app from its store because it will not police the posts of its users. Google has removed it from its store, and we now hear that there is collusion among the ISPs to ban conservatives websites.

The free world needs an alternative to big-Tech. The question is, how quickly can this ramp to ensure freedom still reigns for all the citizens of the former United States of America.

The communists, i.e. Democrats and Rinos, are coming for conservatives.