Did Trudeau Trigger a Run on the Banks in Canada?

Megan Fox has an article at PJ Media hinting at that possibility. She quotes the Canadian financial Blog Armstrong Economics and notes that “the emergency powers activated by Justin Trudeau to cripple the trucker protests have sparked panic among citizens, which could lead to a devastating financial crisis.” The Emergencies Act enabled Canadian banks to freeze the assets of anyone who donated to protests against the vaccine mandates, without due process or any court action. What is interesting is what she reported happened AFTER Trudeau ordered the freeze.

Trudeau then ordered the banks to unfreeze the accounts after the protesters had been cleared away. But what is reported to have happened after that is being ignored by the corporate press. Armstrong Economics says there was a stunning run on banks across Canada, as scared citizens are withdrawing their life savings and transferring it to foreign banks in the United States and elsewhere.

This reported run on the banks in Canada has been ignored by the legacy media which makes sense. I’m sure the government has attempted to tamp information down related to this, but there is anecdotal evidence on Twitter and other places suggesting daily limits being placed on withdrawals.

Megan quotes a post at The Last Refuge saying that it is indeed happening and those in power don’t want people to know. The writer appears to say that Trudeau’s actions were heavy handed and exposed the secret power of bankers to everyone, and the bankers don’t like it one bit.

These tools of citizen control are things well known to the central bankers and control agents of finance, but they are never spoken about in polite company – let alone publicized, promoted and openly bragged about.

Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland essentially broke the financial code of Omerta, by highlighting how easy it is for government to seize your bank accounts, credit cards, retirement accounts, insurance, mortgages, loan access and cut you off from money.

Once this gets out to the broader public, who knows what will happen. This could severely damage the West’s financial system and certainly investment in country’s like Canada which have shown they will steal the financial resources of people “who don’t have the right opinions.” This is a pretty low bar for government theft of private assets and introduces a new risk to the investment equation in Canada.

Will Trudeau’s actions limit foreign investment in Canada? Will his actions lead to a long-term liquidation of assets held in Canadian banks as its citizens move money to foreign countries? Hard to predict, but this could lead to the repudiation of central bank’s digital currencies, move citizens back to a cash system, and strengthen the markets for alternative assets.

Trudeau’s Actions in Canada a Surprise?

Are the actions of Trudeau and the Canadian government really a surprise? It might be to most of us, but clearly Neil Peart had it in mind when he penned the song Subdivisions for Rush, a Canadian rock band. I mean words like “opinions all provided” and “conform or be cast out” seem apropos in today’s world. Once again, life is imitating a Rush song. Neil Peart will be recalled as a political philosopher before too long.