Will it soon be illegal for individuals to store gold?

Mac Slavo has a post at Zero Hedge where he asks that very question. The U.S. government did it before, and they will do it again if they begin to lose control of their fiat currency. Bill Bonner and Tom Dyson have written extensively about the Dow to Gold ratio as have others as a key to maintaining wealth in the inflationary times that come with debasement of the currency.

Let’s see, Congress decides to issue checks to citizens and the Fed decides to purchase the debt to create the money out of vapor. China and the U.S. could begin their trade war again as the Wuhan Flu crisis continues to wreck the world’s economy. Is it any wonder why gold has shot up this year?

What to do?

I’m converting some cash to gold. There are so many options these days, but I’m going to focus on physical gold.