Election Fraud and the End of the Era of Trust

Having been interested in politics from a very early age, I have witnessed quite a few elections with Democrat and Republican administrations. I have witnessed movements towards socialism in both major parties. Republicans would win but never pushed the agenda they were elected to pursue. Instead, they went along with the bipartisan destruction of our government’s integrity.

During the Obama/Biden administration alone, we witnessed IRS targeting, gun running, spying on journalist, use of personal email to evade FOI requests and finally spying on the other party’s presidential candidate. There are also many unanswered questions which, if answered, may even be worse.

We witnessed Obama and a number of senior level administration officials state their admiration for dictators, communists and others who killed millions of their own people and were diametrically opposed to the rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. Their admiration for such horrible humans says a lot them and their inclination toward tyranny. You have Maxine Watters saying the Democrats have at their disposal the largest database to ensure their success in future elections. Add to this the apparent corruption of the FBI and the intelligence services, you have a situation where elections don’t matter.

Enter into the fray big tech and their social media platforms. As innocuous as they seemed at inception, they now control the information flow for the majority of U.S. citizens. With the alignment of “news”

The alignment of big tech, “news” organizations and the administrative state is the beginning of the end of our constitutional republic. We were warned by our founders of such a thing. The question is, what do we do now?