The Future of Chimerica

This week saw close to a million citizens protest in response to what they believed were fraudulent elections. While the feds continue searching for those who breached the capitol building, there is photographic evidence showing it was not just Trump supporters who breached the capitol, but also known members of ANTIFA and BLM. Hopefully, we see the truth come out about who actually did what, but that is a topic for another day.

Today (8 Jan 21), we have seen the tech companies begin to implement China’s anti-freedom rules in the U.S. You had the permanent removal of President Trump as well as thousands of other conservatives from TWTR and FB. We also heard that Apple is going to ban the Parler app from its store because it will not police the posts of its users. Google has removed it from its store, and we now hear that there is collusion among the ISPs to ban conservatives websites.

The free world needs an alternative to big-Tech. The question is, how quickly can this ramp to ensure freedom still reigns for all the citizens of the former United States of America.

The communists, i.e. Democrats and Rinos, are coming for conservatives.