Democrats and Their Media

All responsibly minded people reviewed the events on Capitol Hill with disdain. The Democrats and their media apparatchiks have claimed it was an insurrection and an attempt to overthrow the government. Well, let’s go through an analysis of this.

An insurrection is a violent uprising against an authority or government. You would have to default to yes given people died. The police shot and killed a military veteran and a Capitol policeman died as a result of injuries sustained.

Now, was this an attempt to overthrow a government? No, it wasn’t. How can you say that I’ve been asked. Well, you don’t attack a Capitol without being armed. The overwhelming majority of the people I have seen on videos from the Capitol were people looking amazed at being there.

Clearly, we have people on the left and the right who would want nothing more than for the US to fail. I view politics as a circle where the extremes on both sides really meet. It is very hard to tell a Mao leftist from a third-reich supporter. In each, they want to control and do away with dissenters.

From the post-January 6th days forward, one side has really been showing its true colors in a Maoist and Third-Reich way and that would be the Democrats. Their intent, as many of them, both elected and unelected have said, it to eliminate conservatives.

The question they should have to answer is why? They don’t seem capable of having a debate on the culture without name calling.

The answer is clear: when you’re indoctrinated into a belief system, you can’t really deal with alternatives because you lack critical thinking. From the looks of it, we have an entire generation who fits that description.