I find it hilarious when the ignorant speak on financial matters. Look no further than Sen. Elizabeth Warren (a/k/a Pocahontas). Her recent letter to the SEC ( purports to concern whether the market for GME reflects the true underlying value of GME.

Sen. Warren, can you please tell me what value you’re referring to? Fundamental value? Well, if you’re talking that, then the entire market is overvalued. What are you going to do? Shut it down? After all, at some point, the bubble will explode. Where is the consideration of that?

If she wants to really concern herself about something that matters, she should concern herself with the currency of the US, i.e. the USD. The federal government has so overspent USD that the most incredible short in the history of mankind is there. What happens if these Reddit investors decided to sell their shares and demand physical currency? Who has physical currency any longer? No one. What happens when the banks can’t deliver the currency? They implode. We’ll be here on the sidelines watching it happen. That would probably be the ultimate blow to the establishment.