The Coming Resurgence of Self-Reliance

With the world going to hell as the U.S. and Russia fight their proxy war in Ukraine, one thing is becoming more and more apparent: governments have been selling their citizens down the river for personal gain for decades. We have learned that Ukraine has been a pool of corruption from which the elites have drawn from to enrich themselves while selling the rest of us down the river. Democrats and Republicans both receive money from these corrupt countries so the foreigners can access the trillions spent by the U.S. government.

One thing has happened though: they are no longer hiding their desires and intentions. They have amassed enough wealth to ride out the inflationary cycle while throwing pittance at their citizens so they can get by. More and more you can see them at conferences and on hot mikes taking about the coming reset in which they will control everything we do.

We may be witness the awakening of the citizenry that those in government only look after themselves. upon their awakening, you can expect major changes in how people vote and use their money. As the great awakening happens, you will see the takers from both parties in the U.S. attempt to regain control and assert once again they are for the little guy all the while continuing the destructive policies that have hurt the little guy.

With the understanding and realization that ”Santa Claus”, aka the government, doesn’t have their best interest at heart, they will discover the old U.S. value that underpins the constitutional framework: self-reliance. With that great discovery, they will be freed from today’s slave owners and simultaneously destroy the chains of today, i.e. government programs.