Let’s Jail Politicians Who Lie

Professor Lawrence Torcello, assistant professor of philosophy at Rochester Institute of Technology, recently wrote an essay on a British website The Conversation “that climate scientists who fail to communicate the correct message about ‘global warming’ should face trial for ‘criminal negligence.’”

I have a better idea. How about jailing members of Congress who knowing lie and intentionally tell falsehoods. The most recent example as reported by Aces of Spades Blog would be Nancy Pelosi’s comment that many of her Republican friends keep “blabbing to her the Republican’s secret racists plans.”

One of her spokespeople had to clarify the statement that she heard this from a person who heard it from a person in the Irish immigration lobby. This type of lie has helped destroy the people’s confidence in our nation and what it has to offer. This type of speech is much more harmful than anything a climate change denier could ever do to our nation.