Trump the Twitter Strategist

The one thing I have learned about the Trump presidency is that he appears to really understand human nature. He anticipates reactions, uses incorrect statements to drive people to examine and expose something they really didn’t want known, and remarkably, gets it right most of the time.

The latest dust up with the Congressional Squad (as Rush Limbaugh refers to the four congresswomen as) is a prime example. While there are many conservatives who think he got this wrong, including such stalwarts as Ed Driscall and John Hinderaker of, I think he got it completely right.

First, he is forcing the Democrat party to circle their wagons around the Squad and their far left views and ideas. With their very low approval ratings, this further pushes the Democrats to the left where they are now being defined by these people.

Second, he knowingly (I believe) says/implies they are all from other countries and should go back to them if they don’t like it here. Those comments will cause the leftist “fact checkers” and other non-politicals to check it and see. What they will find as they search for these things is the Squad being behind foreign locations/countries (Palestine is not a country but merely a made up location in Israel). I believe this will further alienate the voters from these progressives.

I must admit. I was afraid of a Trump presidency, Trump tweets, etc., but as I have stood back and watched, it seems to be going according to his strategy.