January 6th: The Day Government Came After Its Citizens

Many of us thought the way the government/media complex was covering the situation was extremely odd. Our suspicions have only increased over the last three years as bits and pieces of what happened have come out. Now, we know there is a lot more to this story that has been hidden from us by the Uniparty and the media. However, there are a few true media outlets that have continued pursuing the truth about J6.

One of the people who have been on this since the beginning is Darren Beattie of Revolver News (http://revolvernews.com). He has continued pressing on this, and a couple of days ago, put to bed something the media has steered clear from: the “pipe bombs” found at both the RNC and DNC on January 6th. In his article Secret Service Foreknowledge or Criminal Negligence? Damning New Evidence Surfaces In FBI’s January 6 “Pipe Bomb” Story, Darren uses video from the Capitol Hill policy to destroy the narratives put forward by the uniparty and the media complex about the pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC.

Everything points to a government that was intent on beating back questions about a stolen election. We have a state sponsored murder of a former military person by a DC policeman who actually received a promotion as a result. We are at the edge of the abyss. Where do we go from here?

Steve Bannon Has it Right

The Post Millennial has an article discussing Bannon’s recent speech. In his “fiery speech from Turning Point USA’s Americafest”, Bannon tells the crowd that they are part of Trump’s war with the Deep State. The lawfare used against Trump, his lawyers, his associates and some who simply supported him is something that should not happen in this country. The deep state, the global elites, and their accomplices in the media have their sites set on destroying Trump and anyone who supports his policies. This is truly a war and needs to be fought as one.