The Return of the Supreme Court and Legislative Accountability

Despite all of the media meltdown and howling by Democrat politicians, the Supreme Court’s decisions this week did not set policy on any of the underlying issues. What it did was to force the legislatures to do the hard work that making laws requires. They can no longer rely on the permanent bureaucracy that has grown at all levels of government to do their bidding while simultaneously having no responsibility to the citizens for the erosion of personal freedom caused by the permanent bureaucracy. With no accountability and no way for an incoming administration to get rid of these bureaucrats, this fourth branch of government could continue the progressives march through the institutions regardless of the outcomes of elections.

Well, no more. In West Virginia vs. the EPS, the Court basically said to the lawmakers that you must specify the powers you are giving the administrative agency. No longer will we allow the agency to determine what congress meant to delegate.

All I can say is, it is about damn time!