Hamas’ Terroristic Attack on Israel: This is what Political Correctness Gets You

There is a passage from the Talmud that says if you are kind to the evil, eventually, you will have to be evil to the kind. Over the last 75 years or so, the country has been slowing losing its moral grounding in the name of tolerance, being non-judgmental, open-minded, etc. The fact that we cannot all agree to condemn the indiscriminate killing of over 1,000 people by the Hamas terrorists shows just how dull our sense of morality has become.

For years, Hamas and other terrorist organizations have done horrible things to the people of the world including “citizens” of their own region. However, if you were to condemn the actions of these groups you would be called racists and a host of other names, ostracized from society, de-platformed and more. Instead of a civil society

Back to the Talmudic passage referenced above, over the last couple of decades we have responded to terrorist attacks with a “kill them with kindness” philosophy trying to change the savages and make them civilized. People are not allowed to disagree with this philosophy and/or call out the groups responsible for the attacks without facing a backlash ginned up by the media and the fascists of the Democrat party. One thing you can be assured of is our having been kind to the savages perpetrating evil around the world means that many innocent children, women and men will be killed as a result of savages, i.e. which is unkind to the kind.

America’s Left is Today’s Third Reich

We were on a family vacation in Israel recently, and as many do, we toured Yad Vashem (the Holocaust museum). As we toured the museum, the tour guide described the tactics and processes used by Hitler and his thugs in turning the people of Germany against the Jewish population. At the end of the tour, my wife and I agreed that what the guide described is what is currently being done to conservatives, Christians and any one else who does not tote the line of the left. Seeking to destroy individuals simply because they do not agree with you is the left’s game. They try and convince their followers that the reason they are so miserable is due to conservatives. Personal responsibility – out the window. Every grievance their constituents have is due to conservatives. That’s their message, and given they control the educational system in the U.S., they are able to indoctrinate children in this philosophy at an early age before their reasoning skills are developed. This ensures the minds of the children are warped, and the left’s doctrine become part of the child’s core beliefs. Once established, these core beliefs are difficult to change and set the country down a similar path to Germany in the 1930s and 1940s.


First Step Towards Federal Police

The story of the Alaskan Raid shows the federal government is preparing for something. Why would so many federal agencies need armed police?

Clearly, the federal government is up to something nefarious, perhaps many of the crazies are correct. The establishment of a federal police force is now well on its way. One only wonders when they will unleash it on us.


Has Our Republic Run Its Course?

Scott Rassmusen has a column in which he talks about all the scandals and the people’s distrust of government. Is there any wonder why? With the majority of Americans not wanting Obamacare, the federal government passed the bill anyway imposing the progressive’s plan upon Americans and changing the healthcare landscape and the relationship between the government and its citizens. Sarah Palin warned that this government controlled plant included “death panels”. She was wildly ridiculed by the same progressives

Next, the Democrat progressive’s attempted to limit the citizen’s right to arms. These progressive Democrats have been trying for 100 plus years to limit the Second Amendment rights of citizens.

After the gun control fight, we have the disclosure of the IRS targeting Tea Party groups attempting to get tax exempt status. We have heard for the last several years about IRS’ targeting of conservatives and conservative groups with audits. Now, with all that has been disclosed, there is little doubt such actions were, and continue to be, happening.

Now, we have the significant expansion of the domestic snooping efforts of the NSA. As often happens, Maxine Waters lets it slip that the information collected by the NSA in its domestic snooping will be portable and will continue to benefit the Democratic Party for at least a generation.

What you often hear from the progressive Democrats is their desire for fairness and equality. These progressive Democrats continue pushing “equality” as their theme for instituting their legislative agenda. However, their actual intent is to bring the people down to the lowest common point, economically and socially. This includes all citizen, except for them, the ruling class.

Alexis de Tocqueville, the French historian, wrote of “Political Consequences of the Social State of the Anglo-Americans” by saying “But one also finds in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to want to bring the strong down to their level, and which reduces men to preferring equality in servitude to inequality in freedom”. He continues to comment on equality by saying “Furthermore, when citizens are all almost equal, it becomes difficult for them to defend their independence against the aggressions of power. As none of them is strong enough to fight alone with advantage, the only guarantee of liberty is for everyone to combine forces. But such a combination is not always in evidence.” As the federal government expands welfare, unemployment, medicare, etc., fewer and fewer people are self-reliant and must rely on the subsistence of the government for their very existence. This reliance further empowers the federal government as the citizens are afraid to push back against the statists for fear of losing the benefits the government provides.

After the revelation of the IRS’ political activities against the Tea Party and the NSA’s domestic spying, does anyone really wonder whether the statists running the government would use that leverage against its citizens?

The progressive Democrat’s war on the successful and rich is yet another example of how they argue for equality. In this instance, it is the need to equalize the benefits of one’s labor regardless of the efforts put forth. Whether it is through a progressive income tax rate (which only stops the middle class from progressing up the wealth ladder), or their “everyone must pay their fair share mantra”, the progressive Democrats want to determine who the economic winners and losers are. When government picks economic winners and losers, the real loser is the average citizen. The Heritage Foundation has a listing of 36 companies funded under Obama’s “green initiative” that have gone bankrupt. How did the average citizen benefit? He didn’t, and, not only that, but Joe Citizen’s children will be paying taxes all their lives for these failure. And who is it that cares about “the children?”

Our very own Declaration of Independence provides:

…Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security

We were a country united in our belief in our Constitution, as amended, and the need to limit the powers of the central government. However, with expansion of the unconstitutional and unelected “administrative branch” and the abuse of power of the progressive Democrats, have we reached the point of despotism? As a conservative, and being under attack from the very government I pay taxes to protect my freedom and liberty, it certainly appear so.

With that backdrop, how do you ever reach a compromise with the progressive Democrats sufficient to allow for the orderly function of a centralized government? I’m not sure we can.