Since this is the best government can do, let’s quite supporting it.

By now, ‘m sure you’ve seen this on some libertarian platform, and in channeling my best Ron White, I’m left with “you can’t fix stupid.”

Our Commerce Secretary said she didn’t believe the jobs report adjusting the number of jobs down by almost a million. When the reporter pointed out that the numbers came from the Dept. of Labor, she said “I’m not familiar with that.” If that’s the case, she should resign immediately.

Want to improve the quality of government? Cut it in half.

Kamala’s Economic Agenda: Communism

In an opinion piece in the Washinton Post, the author notes the following: “In a news release Wednesday, her campaign (Kamala’s) said the first 100 days of her presidency would include the “first-ever federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries — setting clear rules of the road to make clear that big corporations can’t unfairly exploit consumers to run up excessive corporate profits on food and groceries.”ccording to a release from her campaign, the biggest issue.”

Haven’t we (the U.S.) seen price controls before, and how did that work out?

The author also provides a little advice to Kamala’s campaign: when your opponent calls you a communist, perhaps you shouldn’t respond with a communist plan.