Mitt Calls Tulsi a Liar

Probably the most feckless of all Republicans calls Tulsi Gabbard a liar due to this tweet:

To this, Mittens responded:

The real issue I have with Mitt’s response is that he should know whether this is true or not and come forth with the receipts (i.e. evidence). IF congress actually prepared a budget as required rather than this drivel called reconciliation, he would know. It would be laid out in an appropriation. However, being part of the in crowd is what Mitt really concerns himself with.

He is an example of why Trump won in 2018. It wasn’t that people liked Trump, but instead, that Trump actually pushed back against the onslaught of the government media complex. If you are in your 40s or 50s, you will recall that Republicans use to run on smaller government/reduced spending platforms. But, that is no more with most actually supporting a larger, more intrusive government…as long as they run it and pick the winners and losers.

Mitt, please do us all a favor, be true to yourself and convert to a Democrat.