Liberals and Success

Rush had a great point on his program the other day. Successful liberals don’t want others to succeed, and it is a point I have made for years.

You can see this in the progressive nature of their preferred taxing regimes (i.e. progressive taxation) as well as their rhetorical condemnation of success and capitalism. But, do their constituents look at how these people became rich? Or, do those rich liberals get a pass by saying they should be taxed at a higher rate than they currently are?

Education use to be considered a path to success and you needed to be educated on the basics to succeed. However, the past 60 years of liberal domination of the public school system has led to reduced educational requirements and increase social engineering requirements.

The results of the social engineering have been pretty much as anticipated: a reduced educational level on the basics, a less informed electorate, a cultural change that views success as evil, and buy-in that socialism is the path to success for the nation.

History has zero examples of societies succeeding under socialism or communism. Our decline as a country maps nicely to the increase in socialism imbedded in our country. However, the general population is seemingly unaware of those facts.

The dumbing down of society in general helps those liberals attempting to circumvent our constitution and fundamentally change our society away from a success orientation towards the banana republics.


Why Obama Doesn’t Get It

By now, everyone has heard about or seen the video of Obama parroting Elizabeth Warren’s communistic rant relating to successful people. Him saying it doesn’t really surprise me because it is what he really thinks. He was raised by communists, educated by communists and is a communist. He believes that government is the end all be all of existence.

To understand why Obama doesn’t get capitalism, one merely has to read his books and see how he was raised. As he said, he spent a lot of time smoking pot and snorting blow and didn’t have to work at Colombia or Harvard. He didn’t have to write anything to be a member of the law review. He was given so much help that he must assume that everyone gets that much. Well, we don’t.

Business owners may not have paved the roads, but there wouldn’t be a need for paving roads if it were for the needs of business. Government didn’t come first, the business did.


The “eat our peas” President

Why is the mainstream media trying to portray the person who drove the train off the rails as the savior? Whether you watch MSNBC, read the blogs of the Washington Post or CBS News, they are trying to help the White House position the President as trying to save us from this problem.

The President and his policies have created the economic circumstances we have. Remember, he and his fellow Democrats have not submitted a budget in two years so as to not to suffer politically from their actual policy goals. The Democrats continue operating under continuing resolutions in abrogation of their Constitutional responsibilities.

The mainstream media figures are calling Republicans terrorists or suicide bombers as they show their ignorance on economic matters and attempt to incite violence. Remember, liberals always say the words can cause people to react and act out. Remember the rhetoric after the Gifford’s shooting? Remember the Democrat’s and their mainstream media sycophants saying we need to be civil? Well, how is this incendiary language civil?

The keys to remember in the whole debate are as follows:

  • Talking about saving money over ten years really means saving nothing today.
  • Raising tax rates does not guarantee increases in revenue thereby reducing the deficit assuming spending remains at the same level. The projected revenue increases are fiction and should not be counted until realized.
  • Spending cuts do guarantee reduced deficits assuming all other spending remains constant.
  • There is enough revenue coming into the Treasury today to service the debt and stave off a default. Claiming otherwise is lying and an attempt to use they same tactic they used to create panic and pass Obama’s other spending programs.

Remember how TARP, QE 1, QE 2 and the other spending programs were passed? It was said that if we don’t do this, all will implode. Well, they’re trying the same here. Don’t believe them because they’re lying again. If they don’t pass the debt ceiling increase what will happen? Well, spending will have to be cut automatically so as to allow room to service the debt and repay the debt coming due. Perhaps, this is all a ploy to have this automatic spending cuts happen so as to get the fiscal house in order without actually having to vote on it in an attempt to provide political cover to the Democrats and allow the Democrats can blame the Republicans for this.

Note to Republicans: If there is ever time to take one for the team, it is now. You will be rewarded for standing firm. Let the cuts begin.