Liberals and Success

Rush had a great point on his program the other day. Successful liberals don’t want others to succeed, and it is a point I have made for years.

You can see this in the progressive nature of their preferred taxing regimes (i.e. progressive taxation) as well as their rhetorical condemnation of success and capitalism. But, do their constituents look at how these people became rich? Or, do those rich liberals get a pass by saying they should be taxed at a higher rate than they currently are?

Education use to be considered a path to success and you needed to be educated on the basics to succeed. However, the past 60 years of liberal domination of the public school system has led to reduced educational requirements and increase social engineering requirements.

The results of the social engineering have been pretty much as anticipated: a reduced educational level on the basics, a less informed electorate, a cultural change that views success as evil, and buy-in that socialism is the path to success for the nation.

History has zero examples of societies succeeding under socialism or communism. Our decline as a country maps nicely to the increase in socialism imbedded in our country. However, the general population is seemingly unaware of those facts.

The dumbing down of society in general helps those liberals attempting to circumvent our constitution and fundamentally change our society away from a success orientation towards the banana republics.


What did Bob Beckel Admit?

This hasn’t been reported in the MSM or even other conservative sources. On the January 18, 2012 The Five on Fox News, Beckel said the following:

“We liberals made a terrible mistake going back 30 years ago. We made a dependent society because we thought we were doing the right thing. We had things like public housing and we had welfare payments and all that bred dependency, and it was our responsibility, we did it for the right reasons, we need to change that. But the way you change it is not to say that it’s an opportunity society alone that’s gonna do it. It’s gonna require some government intervention. That’s our point.”

So, Beckel admits that the liberals were wrong with the “Great Society” programs from thirty years ago. However, he also spouts the liberal mantra: don’t judge me on the results of my policies, only on my good intentions. Well, the road to hell is littered with the good intention of liberals. It is about time the results of their policies are measured and examined. Hold them accountable for results and watch the change.