Two Worldviews

Konstantin Kisin’s article The Day the Delusion Died references a Thomas Sowell book from 1987 A Conflict of Visions in which Sowell provides a “simple and powerful explanation of why people disagree about politics. We disagree about politics, Sowell argues, because we disagree about human nature. We see the world through one of two competing visions, each of which tells a radically different story about human nature.”

Read the article to get a view on these differing visions and it will help you understand our issues.


Cyprus vs. the Fed

The people of Cyprus have been shown the thief that is a central government. When the power within a country is centralized, there is really nothing the people can do if the government goes rogue on them. This was one of the reasons the United States was set up as a democratic republic with federal government’s powers “clearly” defined and the balance of the power was left to the people and the states.

Enter the progressive era of the last 120 years. This has led to the consolidation of political and economic power into the hands of the few in Washington. As has been shown by Obamacare, they do and will rule against the will of the people. The stacking of the courts with liberals and progressives has led directly to a reduction of the people and the state’s power.

Now Cyprus. Can that happen in the United States? Well, many of us believe it already has started but in a less obvious manner to the United States’ low information citizenry. Thomas Sowell’s article in National Review put it very nicely:

“When the federal government spends far beyond the tax revenues it has, it gets the extra money by selling bonds. The Federal Reserve has become the biggest buyer of these bonds, since it costs them nothing to create more money.

“This new money buys just as much as the money you sacrificed to save for years. More money in circulation, without a corresponding increase in output, means rising prices. Although the numbers in your bank book may remain the same, part of the purchasing power of your money is transferred to the government. Is that really different from what Cyprus has done?”

As Sowell points out, our government is nefariously doing the same thing the Cyprus government is. Our federal government relies on the low information majority to allow it to keep up the Ponzi scheme they have created.

It will implode at some point. The questions are: when and what then?


Today’s Just the Beginning

Go vote and vote for real change…Tea Party candidates.

Today is just the start. From tomorrow forward we need to push for exactly what we want:

– Reduced spending
– Reduction in regulations
– Repeal of Obamacare
– Create a power recession in Washington, D.C.

These are just a few of the items we need to keep pushing people we have elected to strive for. Even if they aren’t successful, keep brining them up and make Obama and the Democrats veto the ideas.

If you want real change and if you want to get the money out of politics, it starts with reducing spending at the federal level.


Is Our Government Illegitimate?

“Do not separate text from its historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government.” – James Madison

The writings of our forefathers were certainly prescient. With the quote above in tow, one only needs to look at the commerce clause of the Constitution to see what happens when the historical background is not taken into account.

The sixteen words that make up the commerce clause have been used to shift the balance of power from the people and the states to the ruling class and the imperial federal government. The most recent examples of this are the recently enacted health care and financial reforms recently enacted by congress and the president. These legislative acts would not have succeeded in the early days of our republic when the words of our founders resonated in ears of its citizens.

Why do they suceed today? You don’t have to look any farther than the elementary and high schools of today. Our children are no longer educated in the founding principles of this country, the words of our founders, or a thorough reading of our founding documents. Instead, our children are taught about the New Deal era of government portraying the federal government as the righteous great provider. The problem is that the government can’t provide for one without taking from someone else.

Our rights, liberties and wealth are what have been taken. This government continues to enrich and empower itself and its benefactors with more of our money. There is no recession in Washington, D.C. In fact, there is no economic suffering if you’re employed by the imperial government. They continue to see their salaries, benefits and pensions grow all on the backs of fewer and fewer taxpayers. This government spends well beyond its citizens’ ability to repay this debt.

The only logical design of such a policy is to ensure the redistribution of wealth through taxation from the upper and middle classes to the imperial government and its beneficiaries. The imperial government creates the circumstances of the crisis, and acts as the benefactor to the citizens impacted by the crisis thereby cementing into these beneficiaries’ minds the righteousness of the imperial government. In fact, it is the taxpayer that provides this charity, but, rather than receiving credit, the taxpayer is demeaned by the imperial government as having attained his wealth through nefarious means.

It is the imperial government that is using nefarious means to divide and conquer the people of this republic. The use of the commerce clause in this pursuit certainly wouldn’t stand when viewed in its historical context.

This federal government is illegitimate.